God is Among Us

If you happened to watch Tucker Carlson's speech at the Republican National Convention, you were probably struck by his acknowledgment that God is among us. As Christians, we are certainly aware of all the times God steps into our lives and does something unexpected that turns our life around. God seldom answers our prayers in the exact way we ask or expect, but when he does show up, there is no denying it. And I think that is what we are seeing happening in our country today.

I've been praying for many years that God would change the hearts of people and turn our country back to him. I've been praying for a great revival in our country and have been frustrated and discouraged by the corruption and sinfulness that has engulfed our country. I keep asking God what he is doing. Does he see what's happening? Does he care about us? It sometimes seems like defeat is everywhere and there is no justice to be found. But then this week happened.

I could never have predicted the turn of events over the last few weeks. We had an assassination attempt of a political candidate, which follows years of attacks and litigation meant to destroy him or at least put him in jail to keep him from running. But instead of cowering, their intended victim rose up and defiantly rallied Americans to fight for this great country. The ordeal changed him, softened his rhetoric and caused him to see God's hand in preserving his life. He is a changed man and gives God the glory. Who could have anticipated that chain of events?

Over the past month or so we've had one judicial ruling after another that seemed to be bringing to an end the incessant litigation meant to cause election interference and put the major political opponent in jail. All the ill intents of the previous few years seemed to be crumbling and God indeed was turning things around by bringing justice to the foreground.

Then, suddenly our current president has gone missing and mysteriously tweeted a letter saying he is dropping out of the race, after months of assuring voters that he is in it to win it and refusing to drop out. His political party is divided and in turmoil just 3 1/2 months before the election. Who would have seen that coming? Surely God is up to something big. He is shaking things up, confusing the enemy, changing hearts of people who seemed hardened. God is definitely among us.

God has not given up on America nor the world. His desire is that all men come to repentance and be saved. Keep praying for our country, for our leaders and for our people. Trust that God's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He will not leave us or forsake us. His way and his timing are always perfect. And while we may not be able to expect or predict what is happening around us, we can know for certain that our God never changes and he is among us.

Jesus is coming back soon. Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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