Prayer & Fasting Guidelines

This week we are promoting the Esther Fast from sundown Tuesday through sundown Friday. This is a time to pray for our nation, that God would intervene in our government, in our culture and in our churches and that his Holy Spirit would move hearts to embrace the life-changing gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. In this blog we offer some prayer guidelines to help you pray throughout the fast.

Join us for a prayer meeting via Zoom on July 3rd at noon Eastern Time:  Join Prayer Meeting

America is in big trouble, and the reason is clear. Our nation has turned away from God, and now it appears that God has turned away from us. America is facing an existential crisis. How then should we pray? In the book of Esther, we see that the Jews of Susa prayed and fasted three days and nights, petitioning God for the very survival of their people. Is it possible that the American church has been similarly positioned “for just such a time as this?”

Below are some suggested guidelines to help focus your prayer during the fast. You can also join the Esther Fast Facebook Group and post prayer requests there. To post your prayer during the fast, use this link: Prayer Chat Room.


Today's focus will be on our government. Pray for our local elected officials, for Congress and for the Supreme Court. Pray that the corruption within our government will be exposed and that people will be called to justice. Pray for wisdom for our president and his administration. Pray for the upcoming elections in November.

Blog with Scriptures on praying for government
How to pray for government leaders
Current events to pray about for America


Today's focus will be on the corona virus, which has paralyzed our country and caused death and financial hardship for our citizens. Also pray for the racial unrest that has divided our nation. Pray that the violence and rioting will end and that there will be sensible police reform that will protect both our citizens and our police officers.

Bible verses about racism and prejudice
Bible verses about obeying authority
Bible verses to help cope with pandemic
Dealing with anxiety

Day 3 - CHURCH

Today's focus will be on the church, that the Holy Spirit would move to convict Christians of the need to obey God's Word and stand up against sin and hatred. Pray that the church would embrace the call to holiness and say no to ungodliness and worldliness. May we take a stand against the culture of moral relativism and stand strong on the truth of God's Word.

What is apostasy?
Bible verses about apostasy
Walking in the Spirit

May God bless you as you pray and answer our prayers according to His will. Thank you for being part of this ministry!

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