Matthew 6:8 tells us that God knows what we need before we ask him. Romans 8:26 says that we don’t know what to pray for and that the Spirit intercedes for us. The obvious question arises – If God already knows what we are going to ask for, and his will is going to be accomplished on the earth, and the Spirit is already interceding, why does he need us to pray? For whatever reason, God has chosen to limit himself based on our prayers. Prayer is the means through which God acts. It is not that God needs us to pray, he chooses to act based on our prayers. There are many instances in the Bible where God changed his original plan because someone prayed. How are we to know what would have happened in our lives had we not prayed? Recently I felt burdened to pray for my teenage daughter. I was almost overwhelmed by the urgency to uphold her in prayer. Little did I know that she was in grave danger and was rushed to the emergency room later that night. During the whole ordeal I felt calm and peaceful because I knew that she was in God’s hands. I knew that he had already answered my earlier prayers for protection, and I felt his presence strongly. In the days following, I was overwhelmed to think of what might have happened had I not prayed. Has God been laying a burden on your heart for someone? Have you been awakened in the night with a thought to pray? If so, get out of bed and drop to your knees and pray to the Lord. You don’t know how effectual storing up these prayers may be or how God’s heart may be changed because of your heartfelt cry. I believe God is calling to us, ready and willing to hold back his hand of judgment if only we will pray. Will you accept that challenge today?