Blog Topics

Title Summary
God Raises Up Leaders: From King Cyrus to Today

Throughout history, God has raised up leaders to accomplish His will, whether to bring about judgment, restoration, or to turn hearts back to Him. One of the most striking examples in Scripture is King Cyrus of Persia. While Cyrus was a pagan king who did not know God personally, he was used mightily by God to fulfill His purposes. Today, many Christians see parallels between Cyrus and modern leaders like Donald J. Trump, believing that God is working through them to bring righteousness and integrity to our nation and world.

The Urgency of Sharing the Gospel in the Last Days

As we enter a new year, we are reminded of how quickly time passes. The days seem to grow darker, and the signs of the times point more clearly to the imminent return of Christ. Though we do not know the exact day or hour of His coming, Jesus made it clear that we must live with urgency and purpose, sharing the Gospel message with those who are lost. Matthew 24:36 says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

Pressing On: New Beginnings in Christ

As we step into a new year, many of us reflect on the past and set goals for the future. The turning of the calendar reminds us that we have an opportunity to start afresh. For Christians, this is not just a cultural practice but a deeply spiritual truth. Through Christ, we are given the ultimate new beginning.

O Holy Night: A Song of Redemption and Hope

Christmas is a season filled with cherished traditions, and among the most treasured are the hymns that bring to life the story of Christ’s birth. Few hymns capture the profound mystery and joy of that holy night like "O Holy Night." With its soaring melody and deeply moving lyrics, this hymn has inspired worshippers for generations. But beyond its beauty lies a story of redemption—not only in its words but also in its history.

The Wonder of the Incarnation

Christmas is a season of wonder, and at the heart of it is the most extraordinary truth: the incarnation of Jesus Christ. In John 1:14, we read these incredible words: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (NIV). This verse captures the awe of what we celebrate at Christmas—God Himself stepping into our world.

Cultivating a Heart of Thankfulness

In a world that constantly pushes us to desire more—more possessions, more recognition, more success—it is easy to lose sight of the blessings God has already given us. A thankful heart is one that rests in contentment and keeps its focus on eternity rather than being consumed by the fleeting things of this world. In this post, we’ll explore how to cultivate thankfulness by embracing contentment and setting our minds on things above.

Seeking the Peace and Prosperity of Our Nation

As we approach a pivotal election, many Christians find themselves wondering how best to fulfill their role in our country. Jeremiah 29:7 offers timely wisdom: "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." This passage reminds us that as believers, we are called not only to pray for our communities but also to actively work for their welfare. In today’s context, that means getting involved, staying informed, and taking our civic responsibilities seriously—including the responsibility to vote.

Trusting God’s Sovereignty in the Election

As we approach the upcoming election, many of us find ourselves filled with hope, concern, and uncertainty. We long for justice, righteousness, and godly leadership to prevail. Yet, we must also prepare our hearts for the reality that God’s plans may not always align with our expectations. How do we respond when the political landscape doesn’t reflect our deepest desires for change?

Faithfulness in Uncertain Times: A Call to Persevere and Do Good

As we approach the upcoming election, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the political climate, the division in our nation, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Many of us may feel frustrated, perhaps even weary, wondering if our efforts, our prayers, and our votes truly make a difference. But in Galatians 6:7-10, God’s Word offers us a timely reminder.

Embracing Autumn: Finding Joy in the Waiting Season

Autumn is a season of transition. The warm days of summer give way to cooler temperatures, the vibrant greens turn to golds, oranges, and reds, and there’s a certain stillness in the air as we prepare for the coming winter. There’s so much beauty in autumn—the changing leaves, the crisp mornings, and the cozy evenings by the fire—but there are also things we might find unsettling: the shorter days, the approaching cold, and the loss of summer’s freedom.

Fully Persuaded: Trusting in God's Promises

In a world where uncertainty is the norm, it can be difficult to remain steadfast in our faith. We often find ourselves wondering if God will really fulfill the promises He’s made. Life’s trials and the seeming delays in answers to prayer can shake our confidence. Yet, the Bible calls us to be fully persuaded that God’s promises are true and that His character is unchanging.

Waiting on the Lord: Trusting in God's Perfect Timing

Waiting for God to answer our prayers can be incredibly difficult, especially when we pray for the salvation of loved ones, a change in our circumstances, or relief from life’s burdens. When the answer doesn’t come in our timing, discouragement can creep in. But God’s Word offers us hope and reassurance that He is at work even when we can’t see it. Let’s explore what it means to wait on the Lord and how we can renew our strength during these times of waiting.

Revelation: A Book of Worship, Hope, and Victory

Revelation is more than a book of prophecy; it is a book of worship. The continuous praise offered to God and the Lamb throughout its pages reminds us that no matter the trials of this life, God is on the throne, and He is worthy of our worship. As we reflect on the worship in Revelation, may we be inspired to live lives that continually glorify God, rejoicing in His sovereignty, and looking forward with hope to the day when we will join in the eternal song of praise.

Integrating Faith and Politics: The Biblical Call to Active Civil Participation

This blog post asserts that Christians have a biblical duty to vote, integrating their faith into politics to promote righteousness, peace, and justice. It refutes a pacifist view that separates the church's mission from political involvement, using quotes from John Piper and John Stuart Mill to emphasize the importance of active civic participation in preventing evil and loving one's neighbor.

Finding True Rest in a Busy World

In today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life—whether it’s work, family, social media, or the endless to-do lists that seem to occupy every moment of our days. But God, in His wisdom and love for us, knew the importance of rest. From the very beginning, He designed us to need periods of rest to recharge not only physically but spiritually and emotionally as well.

Sober and Vigilant: Guarding Our Hearts in a Distracted World

Discover how to live a life that is both sober and vigilant in a world full of distractions. Learn practical steps to guard your heart, stay spiritually alert, and maintain a focus on eternity without being consumed by fear. Click the "Read More" link to dive deeper into living with purpose and hope.

Actively Working Out Your Salvation

As believers, we are called to actively work out our salvation. This doesn’t mean that we earn our salvation through our efforts, but rather that our faith must be alive and active. It requires us to engage with God’s will, to step out in faith, and to pursue what He has for us. We cannot sit back and expect God to drop everything in our laps. Instead, we must partner with Him, trusting that He will guide our steps as we move forward.

The Spirit of the Anti-Christ in Today's World

In today's society, we see increasing boldness in mocking Christian values. Events like the Paris Olympics' portrayal of the Last Supper with drag queens are clear signs of the anti-Christ spirit at work. As Christians, we must stay vigilant, stand firm in our faith, pray for boldness, and share the Gospel with love. Though the world may mock now, God will not be mocked—He will have the final say.

God is Among Us In recent political events, including an assassination attempt on a candidate and the president's sudden withdrawal from the race, we see signs of God's intervention. Despite past frustrations with the nation's corruption, these changes suggest a revival. Keep praying and trusting in God's plan. Follow this theme on X -- God is Among Us -- to share your insights into God's presence in the daily events happening around us.
Understanding Our True Position Before God: A Biblical Perspective

Many believe they are "basically good" and expect God's favor despite not living obediently. This article explains that God's standard is perfect holiness and everyone falls short. It emphasizes the need for Jesus' sacrifice for salvation, which is a gift of grace, not earned by deeds. The article offers self-reflection insights, encouraging readers to consider Jesus' parables, personal transformation stories, ask probing questions, pray for revelation, and approach with humility. Understanding one's true position before God is essential for a genuine relationship with Him.

Wait in Expectation I wonder how different our attitude toward prayer would be if we REALLY expected our prayers to be answered. I think back to the times when God has suddenly answered one of my prayers and my first thought is “Wow, I can’t believe he actually answered that!” It sounds so silly that it makes me laugh. What exactly was I expecting to happen when I prayed?
Crying Out to God in Prayer

Praying to God does not require eloquence or special theological insight. Like the tax collector who beat his breast and cried out "God have mercy on me, a sinner", we can come to Jesus with our raw emotion. In this devotional from Vision Christian Media, we learn about how the undignified prayer of a blind man caught Jesus's attention leading to his restored sight.

Prayer & Fasting Guidelines

This week we are promoting the Esther Fast from sundown Tuesday through sundown Friday. This is a time to pray for our nation, that God would intervene in our government, in our culture and in our churches and that his Holy Spirit would move hearts to embrace the life-changing gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. In this blog we offer some prayer guidelines to help you pray throughout the fast.

God is Still in Control During times of suffering or hardship, it can be easy to forget that God is in control and to wonder if he even sees what is going on. One thing we can be sure of is that God is sovereign over everything and that he is "compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." (Psalm 103:8) Watch this video from Pastor Jerry Gillis ( for an excellent message about God's sovereignty - I guarantee you will feel encouraged and blessed: Video: God is Sovereign
Stronger Together I have often thought that Christians could be more effective if we worked together as one. With so many different churches and organizations, each with their own ministries, it seems like we would benefit greatly if we could work together, pooling our time and resources to become a major force in our world. One organization that is doing just that is Alliance Defending Freedom ( As their name says, they are an alliance of organizations working to defend our religious freedom in the United States.
Not the answer you were expecting? Sometimes we pray to God and we already have in our minds how we think he should answer. In fact, we pray with our desired answer foremost in our mind. Many times (if not most of the time), God answers us in ways we never expected.
Feelings versus Faith "Sometimes people will neglect to pray because they are in the dark and feel no desire to pray. But that is the very time when they need prayer. That is the very reason they need to pray. " - Charles G. Finney
Prayerlessness I think the greatest sin of our churches today is prayerlessness. This post explores some of the reasons why we struggle with prayer. Do any of these sound familiar?
Humble Yourselves When you pray, ask God to open your eyes to see yourself the way he sees you. Humble yourself before him and ask him to forgive you for your pride and for trusting in your own wisdom instead of looking to him for guidance.
Pray without ceasing I have often wondered what Paul meant when he said that he never ceases to give thanks or that he prays without ceasing. We are commanded to do this in Scripture, but what does it really mean?
I didn’t expect you to answer like THAT! Sometimes when we pray, God answers in a way that is totally unexpected. One thing I know for sure is that God is good and he will not give us a stone when we ask for bread. So, even though it does not seem like God gives us the RIGHT answer, we know that He gives us the BEST answer.
Praying – Easy or Hard? Why is it so difficult to slow down and actually get on our knees in prayer? Is it because we are too busy? Maybe it is because we really don’t understand how much God longs for usto take that time to just focus on Him. He knows our hearts, but do we know HIS heart?
Praying for Miracles I wonder how many times we miss God’s blessing because we fail to pray for miracles. I hope this post will encourage you to pray for miracles. Not just for the miracle itself, but for the miraculous change it can bring about in the life of another.
Learning to Pray As believers, we are promised the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer, searching our heart and thoughts and tells us what to pray. The Holy Spirit will teach you to pray if you just ask.
Why pray? If God already knows what we are going to ask for, and his will is going to be accomplished on the earth, and the Spirit is already interceding, why does he need us to pray?
The Impulse To Pray Always respond to every impulse to pray. The impulse to pray may come when you are reading or when you are battling with a text. I would make an absolute law of this – always obey such an impulse. –Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Praying for Spiritual Leaders While browsing the Internet, I came upon the list below for “Praying for Missionaries A-Z”. I wanted to share it with you because I think it is applicable for praying for anyone in ministry.
Do you delight in prayer? As you fall more and more in love with God, you will begin to desire to spend time with Him and you will delight in prayer.
When you don’t feel like praying What I have found is that prayer can be a lot like exercise. I procrastinate exercising all the time because it is difficult, requires my time and energy and focus.
Tough Week When you don’t understand life’s turns and you are tempted to be discouraged, focus on who God is. He is unchangeable. We know that he is compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. That never changes, no matter how it seems. You need to trust him and acknowledge him and have faith that he will always do what is most just and loving and most compassionate. One day we will understand fully. Be patient and keep trusting.